Making a Payment on Your Student Account

To make a payment please use one of the options below:


  • Pay by phone or questions regarding your account balance:

Business Office Contacts

Brigette Neil: 304-883-2422

Khara Meadows: 304-929-6730

Misty Berry: 304-929-5015


  • Pay online:


You can watch a video tutorial here or click here for written instructions.

Here are the steps:

  1. Login to
  2. Select Banner 9 Student Profile
  3. On the left of the student profile select Account Summary (Make a Payment)
  4. Click the Pay Now button
  5. Select the term you want to make a payment for and/or enter an amount.
  6. Click the Pay Now button again and continue filling out the form
  7. Click the Pay button to process the payment amount.