Brightspace D2L — Copy Content, Mobile App, QM Template, and End-of-term course evaluations.
How do I copy content from one Brightspace course to another?
Brightspace has an online article (with step-by-step directions and a video) to Copy Course Components.
Is there a mobile app for Brightspace D2L?
Yes, Brightspace Pulse is the name of the app and it is available for both iOS and Android devices. You can download it, install it, and access it using these steps:
1. Search the App Store on your device for "Brightspace Pulse".
2. Click the app to download and install it. Once downloaded, the icon appears simply as Pulse.
3. When you launch the app you'll be prompted to identify the organization you are affiliated with. We (New River) are affiliated with WVNET (so search for WVNET) and then click on WV Higher Education Network.
4. To access New River's Brightspace content, click the New River icon on the WVNET landing page and you'll be taken to the New River portal page to authenticate and gain access (within your mobile Pulse app).
Are New River courses in Brightspace compliant with Quality Matters standards?
To assess any course as fully compliant with QM standards would require an in-depth evaluation or audit. Effort has been made by members of the Advisory Committee for Distance Education to create a template for all new course shells in Brightspace so that every new course includes the fundamental QM compliance standards as well as other helpful information. Instructors may modify this content to improve it or remove any elements that might not be needed.
How will end-of-term course evaluations be conducted in Brightspace?
Similar to how course evaluations were done in Blackboard, about 3-4 weeks before the end of the term students will have access to the anonymous survey. The survey (same questions as used in Blackboard) has been embedded in the QM compliant course template, so the survey will be copied into each course as it is created. While Blackboard had a centrally managed survey with links from all courses to the survey, in Brightspace the survey resides within each course. This means instructors can modify the availability of the survey, but system administrators must extract the data for any system-wide reporting needs. Instructors will be able to see how many students have completed the survey, but they won't be able to see the students' answers.