First Time Signing into the Portal
Step by Step Instructions:
The first time you sign into the portal you will be guided through several steps to set up your account. This article takes you through those steps. We also provide additional information in the Introduction for First-Time Users workshop.
First, you will need to enter your username and initial password.
(You can find your username HERE )
If this is your first time signing in, your password will be set as follows:
An uppercase "N" then your 9-digit New River ID# followed by a lowercase "r" and a "$"
(Example: N123456789r$)
This will need to be changed Later.
Use the following steps to finish your first-time account setup:
Go to the portal sign-in page located (HERE).
After entering your information and clicking Login you will be presented with the following screen:
If it is not pre-populated, re-enter your credentials and select the Multi-Factor method you prefer then click "Continue".
For Phone: Enter your phone number in the Phone Number box and click continue.
For Email: Enter your private email address in the Email Address box and click continue (not your New River email address).
Note: You can't use your email address and you must use a personal email address for this option.
For Mobile Authenticator: Select your phone type from the drop-down box and click continue. Follow the directions to set it up on your device.
For BIO-Key: Install the BIO Key Mobile Auth App from your app store and then click start enrollment. Follow the directions to set it up.
After you finish setting up your MFA method you will see the screen above. Ensure that your username is correct and click continue.